Monday 2 August 2010

A bit more laurel....

Well strangely I'm loving this...
I think it's the discipline of rendering life-like foliage.  I'm giving as much attention to the laurel as I am to the main subjects - which is no bad thing.  Time was when I would have dashed off a background and then not been happy with it - maybe I'm finally mellowing in my 'middle age'.

Anyway here's the latest shot of it with a little more laurel:

Now I'm thinking of a new direction for my work.  I won't say much right now, but I'm off to do lots of reseach on the Crown Jewels...!
John say's I should call this one "Keep quiet and act like a bush!"


  1. Oh dear Jilly ..... you do know what 'crown jewels' is the slang euphemism for?? :o) Just how do you plan to research them?

  2. Yes I wondered after I'd written it if anyone would pick that up.......Sue! lol Trust you ;0)

    I am, however off to see the real thing tomorrow when I drop off the SOFA submissions...
    J x

  3. Hi Jilly
    May bump into you tomorrow ... I'm submitting work also (not pre-approved so fingers crossed) then going on to view the equestrian exhibition at the Mall Galleries .... then on to visit Richard in hospital ... a long day methinks!

  4. Cool! Would be good to meet up. Not sure what time we'll be there as I'm coming down with sister Helen who has a friend over from Norway and we're off to Kew Gardens too. Nothing like a picnic in the rain! I'll keep fingers crossed for both of us...
    Hope you find Richard in good spirits.
