I'm deep into study at the moment and it's very distracting as it's linked directly to artistic stuff and so the more I write about art, the more I want o just draw... Arrrgh!

Well that's all very well until you start coming up with more ideas! I found a great website for templates called Mirkwood Designs
I had started thinking about producing greetings cards - which sent me off on a tour of UK printing houses to look for the best deals ;0)
Then I thought about presenting the cards as notelets or small packs of cards, blank inside, that could be used either to write a note or as a greetings card; that led me to Mirkwood because I want to be able to present them in some sort of wallet. Mirkwood have templates for all kinds of things which distracted me even further...
Cats and Dogs on show

I will be demonstrating my skills and hopefully selling some of these new products - if I ever finish my assignment.
In an earlier entry I mentioned that I started the Pet Portraiture course at the London Art college. Well, I'm in the middle of assignment 2 now. I'm producing three pieces -
1 acrylic of Henry sleeping (you can see the pastel version in the mian gallery of my web site). I wanted to compare the two mediums, so I will post up the results at the weekend.
2 coloured pencil of this beautiful ginger kitten peeking from behind a curtain. The image is royalty free and from a strangely named image library called Morguefile and it's by a great photographer called Scott Liddell
3. Pastel of the two kittens washing which was posted in my last entry
Well I can't spend all day chatting - I have an assignment to finish ;0)
3. Pastel of the two kittens washing which was posted in my last entry
Well I can't spend all day chatting - I have an assignment to finish ;0)
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